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Tiled Conservatory Roof Guide: Costs and Alternatives 2024

A tiled conservatory roof is often seen as the best long term solution for a new or upgraded conservatory, but there are some drawbacks and significant costs associated with this classic English look.
Tiled Conservatory Roof Tiles

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Is your conservatory roof showing some signs of wear and tear? Are you considering a whole new roof for your conservatory? Has a tiled roof crossed your mind, but you’re looking to find out more? We’re here to help. 

In this blog, we’ll take a look at the pros, cons and tile conservatory roof alternatives, so we can answer all of your questions and help you make the best possible decision for your conservatory. 

What is a tiled conservatory roof?

A tiled conservatory roof is made with durable materials such as clay or concrete tiles. These roofs provide a solid and smart cover for your conservatory. The key features include robustness, weather resistance, and design versatility.

Tile conservatory roofs offer a sturdy and smart cover for your conservatory. These roofs are built to last, handling various weather conditions over time.

The tiles chosen are resistant to rain, wind, and hail, providing reliable protection, and come in various designs, allowing homeowners to choose tiles that match their property’s look. 

Tiled roofs are known for their strength. Made from durable materials, these roofs can withstand harsh weather conditions year after year. No more worrying about leaks or wind damage!

Tiled conservatory roof cost

As with anything, the cost of a tiled conservatory roof can vary based on several different factors, such as: 

High-quality materials and intricate designs can also raise the overall cost of the roof.

Generally, tiled conservatory roofs are one of the more expensive options when compared to glass or polycarbonate conservatory roofs, and can have a wide range when it comes to final prices. 

Often, people considering a whole conservatory replacement look into the costs involved and consider whether a replacement roof would be more cost-effective – However,  it’s important to understand the individual charges that might occur with each option.

As a rough guide, quotes for tiled roofs on smaller projects can range from around £15,000, whereas larger conservatories around (5m by 5m) can cost beyond £40,000.

Cost comparison with other types of conservatory roofs

While a tiled roof may be seen as a long-term investment with the potential to enhance property value, it is also important to acknowledge the significant upfront costs associated with its installation.

As mentioned before, the cost of a replacement conservatory roof can differ greatly based on various factors, but here is a rough guide to the types of costs associated with alternative roofing

Polycarbonate roof replacement: According to Checkatrade, prices can vary greatly depending on labour and circumstance, but as a guide, the ranges can vary between £4,200 at the low end for a 3m by 3.5m roof to £8,400 at the high end. For larger projects measuring around 5m by 5m, the costs range from £10,000 to £20,000. 

Glass roof replacement: This cost can also be affected by many factors, but for the same project of 3m by 3.5m, it starts at around £6,300 and can reach £12,600. For a larger project of 5m by 5m, it ranges between £15,000 to £30,000. 

Solid or tiled roof replacement: Again, prices can vary, but start around £15,000 for a smaller project and £40,000 or more, considering additional structural work, for a larger project. 

CosyPanels conservatory roof replacement: Cosy Panels provides a more cost-effective alternative, potentially saving you thousands compared to a complete roof replacement. The installation requires no structural change, has a 10-year guarantee and is fitted in just one day. To get an accurate price for your project, get a FREE QUOTE.


Type of conservatory roof           Low-end cost     High-end cost      
Polycarbonate roof £4200-£8400 £10,000-£20,000
Glass roof £6300-£12600 £15,000-£30,000
Solid/tiled roof £15000 £40000+


The recommendation site also noted that “Replacing or fitting a new roof on a conservatory will require a minimum of 2 people and typically takes between 1-3 days to complete the job. Labour costs are usually between £300 – £500 per person per day.”

While regular inspections and timely repairs are recommended to prolong the roof’s lifespan, the reality is that unforeseen issues may still arise, potentially incurring unexpected expenses.

The initial investment in a tiled roof may not always guarantee a proportional increase in property value, as market trends and preferences can fluctuate. Therefore, while there are advantages to having a tiled roof, it is essential to approach the decision with a realistic understanding of potential long-term costs and uncertainties.

Typical tile materials

You can’t use the traditional concrete or slate tiles to replace a conservatory roof. The underlying structure is not going to be strong enough to support the new heavy roof. A popular go-to choice for conservatory roof is Britmet Liteslate; it’s made of composite material – thin metal sheet for durability, covered in specially formulated plastic. One lightweight composite roof tile weighs around 0.7kg. A natural slate tile is 1.7kg so the weight difference is some 60% which is crucial because we’re going to be putting a lot of weight on top of the conservatory structure.

Looking at tiled conservatory roof cost, a single tile will only cost around £2.75 to £3 and you will need 20 tiles to cover one square metre of conservatory roof. Doesn’t sound like too costly, so how do you come up with those high build estimates of £15,000 to £40,000 to replace conservatory roof? The biggest cost is down to frame reinforcement and the actual man-hours of skilled work. It’s definitely not a DIY job.

As far as home improvement is concerned, putting a solid roof over your conservatory is pretty big and intense. In most cases tiled conservatory roof replacement work doesn’t require planning permission, however it’s always safer to check with your local council. Considering it is going to make a big impact on the overall house appearance, it may be subject to neighbour consultation scheme where your local council will give neighbours a 21-day window to raise objections.

Pros of tiled conservatory roofs

  • Durability and lifespan: Tiled roofs are known for their durability, often outlasting some of the other roofing materials. They are largely resistant to weather conditions, ensuring a longer lifespan.
  • Insulation and energy efficiency: The density of tiled roofs contributes to excellent insulation, helping regulate the temperature inside the conservatory. This, in turn, enhances energy efficiency, reducing heating and cooling costs.
  • Aesthetic appeal and customisation options: Tiled roofs offer a classic finish. They come in various colours and styles, allowing you to customise the roof to match your property’s architecture.

Cons of tiled conservatory roofs

  • Initial installation cost: One of the primary drawbacks is the higher initial installation cost. However, this should be weighed against the long-term benefits and durability offered by tiled roofs.
  • Weight and structural considerations: Tiled roofs are heavier than some alternatives, requiring proper structural support. Before opting for a tiled roof, it’s crucial to ensure that your conservatory can accommodate the additional weight.
  • Limitations in light: While tiles provide solid protection, they limit natural light. If your goal is to maximise sunlight in your conservatory, alternatives like glass roofs might be more suitable.
  • Potential for repairs and maintenance: Though durable, tiles can crack or break over time, especially in extreme weather conditions. Regular inspections and quick repairs are key to maintaining the roof’s integrity. Dirt and moss can also gather quite quickly on tiled roofs and need regular cleaning. 

Alternatives to tiled conservatory roofs

When it comes to choosing the roofing material for your conservatory, various options cater to different preferences and requirements. Each roofing option has its own unique set of advantages and considerations.

Here are some alternatives and their characteristics to help you make an informed decision:

Polycarbonate conservatory roof

For those seeking a lightweight and cost-effective alternative, polycarbonate roofs emerge as a viable choice. These roofs permit natural light, creating a bright and inviting space. 

However, it is important to note that while they offer cost savings and a lighter structure, they may not match the longevity and insulation properties of other roofing materials. 

Despite their initial appeal, polycarbonate roofs often entail potential long-term problems in terms of durability and energy efficiency. They are also known for their lack of sound protection and problems with noise during periods of heavy rain. 

Glass conservatory roofs

Opting for glass roofs brings an elegant and clean aesthetic to your conservatory, maximising the natural light. 

The transparency of glass adds a feeling of openness – allowing you to enjoy the surrounding environment. 

However, you should consider that glass roofs might demand more maintenance compared to other materials. Additionally, their insulation capabilities may fall short of the standards set by panel and tiled roofs, potentially leading to increased energy consumption and heating costs.



For a modern and efficient conservatory roof solution, CosyPanels presents an innovative alternative. 

These panels offer a well-rounded combination of insulation, durability, and aesthetic appeal. 

Choosing CosyPanels allows you to enjoy the benefits of a well-insulated space while maintaining an attractive and contemporary appearance. The consideration of this option can be particularly appealing for those who prioritise energy efficiency and a low-maintenance solution. 

When exploring conservatory roofing options, CosyPanels stand out as a promising choice for a well-balanced and practical investment.


Make the right choice for your conservatory roof replacement

As you weigh your options for the ideal conservatory roof, you should take on board several key elemets that can impact your decision-making process. 

Here are some factors to think about:

Local climate: Take a closer look at your local climate and weather patterns. If you live in an area with extreme temperature variations, heavy rain, or intense sunlight, these factors can influence the performance and durability of your conservatory roof.

For instance, in regions prone to hailstorms or heavy snowfall, a roofing material with robust impact resistance may be a priority. On the other hand, in hot climates, prioritising heat reflection and insulation could be essential.

Intended use of the conservatory: Reflect on the intended purpose of your conservatory. Is it primarily a space for relaxation, a home office, or perhaps a garden oasis? The function of the conservatory can guide your choice of roofing material. For instance, if you’re after a cosy and insulated reading nook, a roofing option with superior insulation properties might be key.

On the other hand, if your conservatory is designed for plant cultivation, maximising natural light while maintaining a controlled environment could be a priority.

Budget constraints: While the look of certain roofing materials may be strong, it’s key to make your choices with your budget in mind. Some materials, like high-end glass options or specialised tiles, may come with a higher upfront cost. 


Top Tip: Consider not only the initial investment, but also potential long-term savings or maintenance costs associated with each material. Getting a balance between your budget and desired features ensures a financially sound decision.


Architectural compatibility: Evaluate how your chosen roofing material matches with the overall architectural style of your home. Whether your house boasts a modern, traditional, or eclectic design, selecting a conservatory roof that compliments the existing look enhances the overall visual finish of your property.

Energy efficiency: Investigate the energy efficiency characteristics of each roofing material. Some options may excel in retaining heat during colder months, while others might offer effective cooling properties in hot weather.

Understanding the energy performance can have a direct impact on your utility bills and the overall comfort of your conservatory.

By thoroughly weighing up these factors, you can make a well-informed decision that not only matches your desired look but also caters to the practical needs and conditions specific to your location and lifestyle.


Assessing your specific needs and preferences

Evaluate which material best suits your specific needs – think beyond the immediate and consider the long-term benefits of how the roof contributes to your property’s overall feel and value.

Research material options: Explore various roofing materials available in the market, such as glass, polycarbonate, tiled roofs, or innovative alternatives like insulated panels. Understand the pros and cons of each material in terms of durability, maintenance requirements, natural light penetration, and insulation properties.

Consult with professionals: Seek advice from architects, contractors, or conservatory specialists. Professionals can provide valuable insights based on their expertise and experience. They can help you understand the practical implications of different roofing materials and guide you toward options that align with your needs.

Consider long-term maintenance: Check the long-term maintenance requirements of each roofing option. Some materials may demand more frequent upkeep than others. Factor in your willingness and capacity to invest time and resources in maintaining the conservatory roof over the years.

Cover all bases: Before making final decisions, make sure you have checked out all of the alternative roofing materials thoroughly. Have you seen CosyPanels’ cost-effectiveness and quality? Explore the cost-effectiveness and quality offered by CosyPanels as a viable alternative. Learn more about the longevity and guarantee they provide for your conservatory roof. 


Book a free quote with CosyPanels to explore efficient and modern roofing solutions that match with your vision and offer a modern alternative.

Alternatively, call us on 0800 7566 882 to discuss your options.


At CosyPanels, we strive to provide clear information to guide your decisions for an enhanced and efficient conservatory living experience. If you are unsure about which roofing solution suits you best, remember to consult a professional who can guide you through your options.

Start the journey of transforming your conservatory today and give yourself that special space you’ve been dreaming of.